A tiring week... :(

hye guys.

Its been over one month ( or so ) i have not updated the blog.
Well, i got a job at Kenny Rogers cause i dont want to waste
my semester break and also to get more money ( for gunpla and
to go meet my gf in Melaka )... :D

So its quite busy for me once i started the work like a week ago.
and i always come home late. :(

The work time sometimes start at 1 pm or 3 pm and it usually end at 11.30 pm.
and i have to tell ya, its a very tiring job.
Damn. It even crossed my mind to just find another job.
but the job do give quite good wages and i need money.
So, i hope to god that i will keep working. :)

Anyway, for the next review, its gonna be the TT Hongli NG 1/100 Astrea Brothers that i recently got!


wait, is it Astraea or Astrae? Fuck. It doesnt matter anyway.

So stay tuned guys! :)